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Part 1 - Importance of feedback

Skribentens bild: Erik Lundstrom (Groveflow)Erik Lundstrom (Groveflow)

Through the direct feedback of how people react and how large a proportion comment or show some form of emotion to what we communicate, it always has a recurring problem of getting an answer to what response the recipient group has to the message you communicate.

Via traditional communication channels, however, feedback is still a difficult-to-master problem that lies on the market planner's table and before, for example, a campaign, this is a forecast problem.

Unlike large companies that have large resources where different roles in the campaign work are divided into several different people, it is often the case in smaller companies that the campaign planner and the graphic communicator are one and the same person. Groveflow, which has extensive experience of working in this type of project, is happy to become an active member of the campaign planning and that we work together with the small company towards common goals.

The campaign planner is often the person who designs and makes decisions at different stages of a campaign, who has a goal which includes what he wants to achieve, and which ones are to be influenced. For this, the campaign planner has certain funds at his disposal. Most of all, the person who works with campaign planning often wishes that he or she can get feedback after each step so that he or she can try out step by step and get good feedback after each individual step. If traditional channels are used, this is only possible to a limited extent because the device that is engaged in mass communication is expensive. A popular way today alongside digital online based channels is relationship marketing and the various means made possible through this, it is often less costly to work with analyzes of different feedbacks before proceeding in your campaign process. The social dissemination processes.

Before we go in and talk more deeply about human communication, we must examine something that always occurs in connection with mass communication and is important both for the effects of mass communication. The behavior for this is also interesting in terms of human communication, what everyone gets out of this behavior which is usually referred to as "The social dissemination process".

Messages are detached from the original channel.

When people read something on a news page or in a newspaper or heard something in a radio program, in a podcast or maybe saw it on TV or a Youtube channel, they can keep it to themselves or pass it on to others.

This is because much of what appears in the mass media appears in conversations between ordinary people. Messages are detached from the original channel and wander in altered form from the one who first received them. It is this behavior that is usually described as the social dissemination process. The model above describes large parts of the importance for this when designing and implementing a mass communication campaign. The individual is not an isolated being but as part of a social environment, where an important part of his communications takes place on the personal level. What I want to highlight here is the interplay between impersonal and personal communication. Today, social media contributes greatly to the speed at which the social dissemination process takes place and that in some cases it is also distorted and changed to suit the new sender.

Stimulate the recipients for discussion.

The purpose of some content in the mass media is sometimes that you want to provoke discussions of this kind, which as the main purpose that you want to stimulate readers, listeners, recipients, etc. to participate in a discussion within the framework of the mass media.

In the light of this knowledge, it may be essential to try to follow the discussion that may arise outside the mass media because of a certain mass media content. The effects of a campaign can to a large extent be determined by how common discussions of this kind become and what content they have. The dream is that what you want to communicate in this way becomes a viral phenomenon that is shared and discussed repeatedly.

Knowledge that a person has gained from the mass media in any issue, he can pass on to other people, when he considers them applicable or that there is another motive to address them. It can also happen that a person warns of the knowledge or opinions that a campaign tries to spread via the mass media, because the person's own knowledge or opinions deviate from the message.

Negative discussion is better than no discussion at all.

It is a big mistake to think that the social dissemination process always results in favor of a campaign. Not infrequently, the explanation for failed campaigns can be sought precisely in the resistance that arises because of personal influences effectively acting in a different direction.

In other cases, an unsuccessful campaign may have failed because its theme was met with indifference and was not the subject of any discussion on the personal level.

In advertising, there is sometimes the perception that the indifference of the recipients is the worst enemy for the purpose of a campaign and that it is better to start a discussion with negative elements than no discussion at all. Silence and indifference to what you want to communicate is often the communicator's worst enemy.

Man's attachment to other people and his susceptibility to personal influence are important for understanding how mass communication works. That is why I believe that as a campaign planner, screenwriter, and graphic communicator, you should have an understanding and knowledge of topics such as human communication while working with mechanical sales via marketing.

An edited version of the Rossiter-Percy grid that shows purchase motives, type of decision, typical buyers, and type of advertising for different products. Source: Axelsson, 1996, p.155



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